
Skip to content Search… All gists GitHub Sign up for a GitHub account Sign in Create a gist now Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Star 9 Fork 3 @carolineschnappcarolineschnapp/page.list-collections.liquid Last active 8 days ago Embed Download ZIP Code Revisions 24 Stars 9 Forks 3 To add at the bottom of page.list-collections.liquid. In the New Standard theme, use the content of page.full-width.liquid and copy the code at the bottom of that content. This won't work in the Lookbook, Brooklyn, Simple and Kickstand themes. Raw page.list-collections.liquid

You do not have a link list with a handle set to gallery, or you do and it's empty. Go ahead and create a link list called Gallery on your Navigation page and populate that link list with links that point to collections, to see collections listed here. Make sure the link list also has a handle set to gallery.